Friday, December 09, 2011

All I want for X-mas!

Christmas nowadays is very overrated, sometimes we give ourselves an excuse to spend a bit more than the usual, blame it on the season of sharing and giving. haha Well, it doesn't really hurt your pocket that much, if you reward yourselves something that you have been eyeing on for the past few months. Well for me, I am not saving up for any gadget or something, not even shoes. But these cute little camera bags are to die for! I happen to get to know of Hellolulu products in the mall while passing by a camera store. It's really pricey for a compact camera bag, (Lisang much kaayo ang presyo!! grrr!!!) but it's really nice because it has compartments for your extra memory card and batteries. It looks like a sling bag, the thing that attracts me to this one is because it doesn't really look like a camera bag. It really speaks for itself "carry happiness" hehe. The quality is good, and it could really serve as a good protection for your camera. Refer to the photo above and check on the interiors, sweet! Santa??!?! I have been good this year! LOL


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